Monday 13 October 2014

The human mind is separated into three sections namely, the conscious mind or the ego, preconscious mind, and unconscious mind. This concept of three sections is nothing new as the famous scholar Sigmund Freud came up with it in the early days. The precociousness mind occupies the largest space among the three followed by unconscious mind which only occupies 30% of the completely human mind.

The conscious mind is what people will associate one with and where most of the activities take place. It is the one that guides one on what to do. The conscious mind acts like a driver by giving orders to the preconscious and the unconscious minds. The human mind is programmed to work in such a manner that it depends what a person feeds it. Human beings are reliant on past-experiences and day-to-day experiences. The experiences shape the thinking capabilities of humans. What other believes you as a human cannot achieve, you are likely not to achieve simply because they tend to make you believe that you cannot do it. 

Understanding the concept of how human being brains depends mostly on how each human decodes the information they receive. The interpretation of the message is what determines how the human will react to that piece of information. Thinking differently or outside the box is what matters most in producing the desirable results. Many people fail to achieve their desirable results because of falling to try. The fear of failing is usually more the passion of passing. The potential in human thinking is limited to the surrounding and fear of falling rather than the enthusiasm of success and the pride of winning.

The challenges that humans must overcome are mostly seen as impossible to overcome them. Understanding the importance of the goal that the person intends to achieve acts as the drive under which the mind of that individual is oriented and focused on. The person may not know the means by which to achieve the goal, but the drive makes the person to push it on. The correct mindset for achieving a goal is very important in human thinking. The mind will always figure out a way to overcome the barriers that are ahead if the mind is set that way.  The destruction that come on the way are faced-off by focusing your mind towards your goal.  Some things may trigger your mind immediately to react to solve a certain issue at the moment. Solving the issues at hand eventually leads the brains to think of the greater goal and the same the goal is attained.

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